Tell us a bit about yourself, how long have you been in Brighton and what do you like about living here?
I’m Kerry, I’m 35, and I’m a teaching assistant in a school for children with Special Educational Needs. I’ve lived in Brighton since 2017 with my partner Lauren and our pet hamster, called Barbara. I love how Brighton offers so much – city life, beautiful countryside, and of course, the sea.
How long have you been running, and what is it about running that you enjoy?
I started running in 2015, when I decided that I wanted to run 5k by the time I was 30. I signed up to a Learn to Run programme, and 8 weeks later, ran in a local 5k event, 3 days before my 30th birthday! I love that running always makes me feel good. If I’ve had a tough day, going for a run is a great way to clear my head. I also love that once you start running, you become part of the Running Community, where there are always so many people there to support you.
What made you decide to join Frontrunners and how did you hear about the club?
I heard about Frontrunners through Facebook. I liked the idea of being able to run with other LGBTQ+ runners, and when I went along to a session, I found that everyone was so friendly and welcoming!
Have you run any races before? Have you signed up for any upcoming events and what are your goals?
I’ve run quite a few races over the years, ranging from 5k events up to marathons. I love running in Brighton, so have really enjoyed doing Brighton 10k, Half Marathon, and Full Marathon. I’ve also done Beachy Head marathon, and the Bacchus Half Marathon at Denbies vineyard in Dorking, where everyone wears fancy dress! I haven’t signed up for any specific events yet, but I entered the London Marathon ballot, so fingers crossed! In terms of goals, I’m working on both my 5k and marathon paces.
How have you managed to stay motivated during recent lockdowns and have you participated in any Frontrunners or other online challenges?
I really enjoyed the Chain runs we did, where we had a Frontrunner running continuously for 12 hours! I also liked the selfie challenge, and I created some Running Bingo cards with challenges for people to complete. I’ve completed a number of virtual events, and have raised money for Motor Neurone Disease Association by running 5k every day for 30 days.
Why do you enjoy being a Frontrunner?
I love how friendly and kind everyone is. It doesn’t matter how much, how far, or how fast you run, you will always be supported and celebrated. Our WhatsApp group is a fun and vibrant place for people to share their achievements, ask questions, and generally have a chat with like-minded people.