Tell us a bit about yourself, how long have you lived in Brighton and what do you like about living here?
I moved to Brighton from London in November 2017. I had wanted to move to Brighton for a number of years, and the stars aligned in 2017 and I made the leap and have not looked back.
I like the friendliness of the City and how accessible it is – with most of the City being a short walk, cycle or bus ride away. I love all the arts and culture activities on hand and that there is always something exciting to do.
As a runner, there are numerous beautiful places to run literally on the doorstep, fab parks, the seafront and the many many trails in the South Downs. The views are spectacular.
How long have you been running and what is it about running that you enjoy?
I have been running about 3 years and started running to do the London Frontrunners Pride !0k event in Victoria Park and have kept on going.
Aside from getting out and about in nature, I enjoy the mental health benefits and clarity that it gives me. I enjoy feeling strong and setting myself new goals to achieve and running and discovering new places. Trail running is currently the type of running that I enjoy the most – getting up and down the hills and making friends with the local wildlife along the way.
What made you decide to join Frontrunners and how did you hear about the club?
I had heard about Frontrunners as I have friends who run with the London and Manchester Clubs. I was looking for a way to continue running beyond that initial 10k race and I saw an advert for a new branch of Frontrunners in Brighton and so I decided to come along. The rest is history. I have made lots of friends through the Club and enjoy the varied types of activities that we do and how everyone is so friendly and encouraging – whatever your level or goals.
Have you run any races before? Have you signed up for any upcoming events and what are your goals?
Yes, I have run a few 5ks, 10k and half marathon races. I have completed 3 full marathons the latest being the very hilly 3 Forts Challenge.
My latest goal is to complete my first official Ultra Marathon. There are a team of club members running the Run to the Sea event – which is a 50k race from Horsham to Brighton. It will be the furthest I have ever run so I am hoping that my legs will carry me to the finish line!
I have another hilly marathon in June on the North Devon/Cornwall coastal path which I am very much looking forward to also – the views will be amazing.
How have you managed to stay motivated during recent lockdowns and have you participated in in any Frontrunners or other online challenges?
At times it has not been easy, with many events and races being postponed. Having running buddies to have social runs with has been a lifeline and also taking part in the virtual events including the relays has been a lot of fun and a way to keep connected with the club.
Why do you enjoy being a Frontrunner?
Because it is great to run in a LGBT+ affirming space and with such friendly people. Members are so supportive of each other. Going the extra mile!