On Saturday 25th June, Brighton and Hove Frontrunners will again be taking over the Hove Prom park run volunteering roles.
We would be delighted if your members could take part in the run to make it even more fun and to increase the number of LGBTQIA+ runners on the day. The start time is 9 am by Hove lawns cafe. Optionally, as this is the end of pride month, if you would like to wear the colours of the freedom flag we would greatly appreciate it and love to see it!
As park runs are for everyone whether you’re walking, jogging or running, we would also like to invite anyone who has never run or walked 5k, taken part in a park run or has visited Hove Prom parkrun before to take part. One of the values of our club is to encourage people to get running and we are more than happy to motivate you along the route.
After this, some members along with Out to swim Brighton will be joining the Sea Birds at their 10am sea swim by Hove Lawns cafe, so why not make a morning of it and join us for that too?
Please also remember our Rainbow run, which is a 5k community run at 7 pm on Friday 5 August 2022 – the same weekend as Brighton and Hove Pride – ideal for those wanting to include it as part of their pride celebrations. The 5km Rainbow Run will take place in Hove Park and you can find out more and sign up by visiting www.bhfrontrunners.org.uk/rainbow-run